2024 BC省選 Provincial Election


《就差你一票》 (Just One More Vote) 是由加拿大华裔投票促进会组织的公益活动,曾在温哥华中文电台每周末黄金时段播出,并通过其网站、视频号、微信公众号、Spotify、YouTube 和小红书等平台同步传播。该节目由资深评论员王立博士主持,专访联邦、省、市各级候选人。


"Just One More Vote," organized by the Chinese Canadians Goto Vote Association, was previously broadcast during prime time every weekend on Chinese Radio Vancouver and promoted across its website, video channels, WeChat, Spotify, YouTube, and Xiaohongshu. Hosted by Dr. Ally Wong, it featured interviews with federal, provincial, and municipal candidates.

This year, CCGTV focuses on leveraging online platforms to enhance political engagement in the Chinese Canadian community and encourage active voter participation.

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