2022 Events
"Your Vote Matters" is produced by the Chinese Canadians Goto Vote Association and Chinese Radio Vancouver and is the first interview program in the Chinese media in Canada dedicated to candidates running for office at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels.
Dr. Ally Wang, a senior political commentator in Greater Vancouver, hosts the program. It is a face-to-face interview program that helps the Chinese community to understand the candidates' backgrounds, campaign ideas, and community service experiences in a comprehensive, intuitive, and in-depth manner.
The interview will be broadcasted on "Vancouver Chinese Radio" every weekend during prime time and will be 20 minutes long.
2022 Summer Concert
Co-hosted by
International Elite Club of Canada
North American Artists Association
Chinese Canadian Voting Promotion Association
Concern Group Against Hate Crimes Against Asians
Canada West Chamber of Commerce
Organized by
Star Eyes Studio
Date and Time:
August 21, 2022, 11:00-17:00
12800 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC V6V 0A9
(King George/Cambie Community Park Baseball Field)
2021 Events
"One person to call for ten votes":
We aim to encourage our friends and relatives to take action on election day or advance voting day.
Together, we hope to reach out to those around us actively.
Your Vote Matters Steet Rally 2021:
To spark basic civil rights awareness and to educate rudimentary Canadian politics principles
2021 Federal Election:
To help Chinese Canadian learn basic Canadian political knowledge and motivate participation rates among young Chinese Canadians